


Photography is m1460117_498481756935154_1494165003_ny passion

William has been photographing since the mid 70’s when his mother took a chance on him and bought him his very first camera (a Nashika). She had watched him yearn for it, he worked after school and weekends trying to save for it and eventually mum helped and bought it for him.

He grew up in the regional country town of Merredin and is fortunate enough to still live there. Born and raised on a farming property and living in the country, almost in isolation, makes you much more aware of your surroundings. An appreciation of natural bushland and wildlife is not taught it becomes instinct and photographing it is a humbling experience. He uses his photography to promote the beauty of country living, our natural bush land, its wildlife, people and events.

Small town living is different from the city who have thousands of people to service, it does not allow you to sit back and specialise in just one area of your craft, you must be versatile and be an expert at all areas and offer your clients a service second to none. Event photography has also been a large part of his work, weddings, animals and his talents are very apparent in artistic model and portraiture work.

William also enjoys travelling around the country photographing different aspects of Australia and all it holds in glorious imagery.

Digital cameras grew and took over the industry and the demands this sort of photography puts on your computers has always been immense and William’s own needs for computers that can handle so much more in a throwaway society had him designing and building them to suit. He has been custom building computers for specialist purposes since the early 90’s